For those interested in purchasing the new Night Parrot book, COG members can purchase copies for $35. Please send me an email if you would like to place an order. Pick up at COG meetings. The book isn’t due till September and it is unclear
if I will get copies before or after the next meeting.
Night Parrot: Australia’s Most Elusive Bird
By Penny Olsen
The competitiveness and secrecy, the triumphs and adventures of the history of the Night Parrot and its followers.
For well over a century, the Night Parrot lured its seekers into Australia's vast, arid outback. From the beginning it was a mysterious bird. Fewer than 30 specimens
were collected before it all but disappeared, offering only fleeting glimpses and the occasional mummified body as proof of its continued existence. Protected by spinifex and darkness, the parrot attained almost mythical status: a challenge to birdwatchers
and an inspiration to poets, novelists and artists.
Night Parrot documents the competitiveness and secrecy, the triumphs and adventures of the history of the bird and its followers, culminating in the recent discovery
of live birds at a few widely scattered locations. It describes what we are now unravelling about the mysteries of its biology and ecology and what is still left to learn. Complemented by guest essays, illustrations and photographs from a wide variety of sources,
this book sheds light on Australia's most elusive bird.
Due in September Members’ Price: $35
Kathy Walter