Hi All,
I can’t be the only COG member who has found a few European Wasp nests while wandering in the bush. In the last few weeks I’ve found their nests in the ground at Tidbinbilla (where the Rangers told me they would bait in the area), below
Scrivener Dam and across the road from the Yankee Hat carpark. The Rangers at Namadgi assured me the authorities still want to hear about every nest we find so they can destroy it. I’m pretty familiar with these wasps as we had a nest removed from the walls
of our house! They’re very distinctive looking.
Anyway, there’s an app (but of course there is!) that you can use when you find a nest which gives the exact location to make it easier for the ACT authorities to find and destroy the nest.
Here’s what you need to know:
The Namadgi rangers I spoke to said they were very concerned about these pests and say they pose a serious threat to Australian wildlife – including birds! When I told them I was a COG member they asked me to pass this info on to you. So
here it is. I’m sure many of you are already much more knowledgeable on the subject than I am!
Sue Beatty