
Latham's Snipe feeding

To: Canberra birds <>
Subject: Latham's Snipe feeding
From: Wallaces <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 05:21:51 +0000

I have put up some videos of Latham’s Snipe feeding. The actions of snipe feeding are usually so quick that it is hard to tell exactly what they are doing. Videos can help by slowing the action.


The first two were taken at normal speed but include some slowed down to better see the actions of the bird. The second video shows the bird cleaning its beak with its foot when the mud was particularly sticky.


The last video was taken at 120 frames per second and replayed at 25. The higher frame rate is achieved at the expense of picture quality but it does provide a smoother view of the feeding actions. The Typha stump can be seen to  move as the bird’s beak is forced in.


All the videos are of the same bird.


Hope you enjoy.





Feeding including cleaning beak with its foot

Feeding taken at 120 frames per second


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