
Bird talk at next meeting of the Australian Native Plant Society

To: Cog line <>
Subject: Bird talk at next meeting of the Australian Native Plant Society
From: sandra henderson <>
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2017 07:16:31 +0000
Unfortunately not a date that suits all of us, but the ANPS monthly meeting on Thursday 13 April (7.30pm in the theatre at the ANBG) features a talk by Chris Lloyd on the White-faced Storm Petrel. Gates are open from 6.50pm for meeting attendees.

Chris Lloyd: "For the last decade he has worked with NPWS in seabird monitoring and habitat restoration. For a few years one of the targets of this work is ... the White-faced Storm Petrel. This bird faces the usual key threatening process that afflict all other pelagic species including the ‘out of sight out of mind’ phenomena but one of its key problems is the attitude of ... the Wedgetail Shearwater, to the issue of breeding real estate. Chris’ talk will try to explain what role we are playing in this housing competition and what the hell is the plant connection."

sandra h
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