Didn’t even have to leave home.
This morning, around 8am, there was much bird activity outside my place.
Mixed feeding flock consisting of mainly grey fantails and both species of pardalotes and a pair of white-browed scrub-wrens
Four gang-gangs flew over
A little corella as well as several sulphur-crested cockies
A cloud of very noisy currawongs filled the sky for a minute or two before dispersing (30-40?).
At lunchtime, there was a noisy flock of SCCs (not unusual), but when I looked up to observe them, I saw that they were chasing a barn owl. The owl alighted somewhere nearby as all hell broke loose. Then it reappeared trying to make a
getaway, but was closely and aggressively attended by magpies, currawongs, and ravens with the SCCs circling above for a good view.
David Rosalky