After a period away, the Plumed Whistling-Ducks arrived back in the Bungendore area around 10 March and I have seen them at Trucking Yard Lane or the sewage works on almost all visits, i.e. a number of times each week, since then. Generally around 18 in number.
Huge numbers of shelducks on the 'Wynella' property's Trucking Yard Lane/ Hoskinstown Road corner paddock, especially in the vicinity of the Bungendore Meadows Dam. I counted 400 there on 20 March (an undercount as many were obscured from sight), just 80 yesterday,
but they are moving around. I've seen large flocks in the air, there, a magnificent sight.
Cheers - David
On 30/03/2017 3:27 PM, Martin Butterfield wrote:
I have received a report of 19 Plumed Whistling Duck there this morning plus about 200 other ducks, mainly PBD.