
Fwd: The Field Naturalists' meeting on March 2nd

To: canberra birds <>
Subject: Fwd: The Field Naturalists' meeting on March 2nd
From: Rosemary Blemings <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 21:43:05 +0000

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rosemary Blemings <>
Date: 21 February 2017 8:58:54 PM AEDT
To: Rosemary Blemings <>
Subject: The Field Naturalists' meeting on March 2nd

Thursday March 2nd will be a Field Naturalists meeting with a difference in that the subject is FLIES.

We meet at the ANU's Gould Wing Seminar room in Building 116 which is off Daley Road. There's a member there from 7.15pm to use a swipe card to let people in for the 7.30 start.
There's no charge and all are welcome. We hold an informal, optional raffle offering pre-loved books, bric-a-brac, home produce...$1 per ticket. 

Bryan Lessard will show you flies aren't all bad news!

Title:  Flies, flies everywhere, but why should we care? 

Dr Bryan Lessard (a.k.a. Bry the Fly Guy) discovered the curi­ous world of flies as an under­gradu­ate student at the Uni­vers­ity of Wollon­gong, learning about maggots and their uses in solving crime. During his PhD at the Aus­tralian National Uni­vers­ity, he described more than 18 new fly spe­cies, reconstructed the first Australian horse fly (Tabanidae) phylogeny using DNA sequences and timed the global radiation of the Gondwanan fauna using the fossil record. I2011, he named a horse fly with a golden abdo­men Plinthina bey­on­ceae after the per­former Bey­oncé, which quickly became a booty­l­i­cious ambas­sador for biod­iversity and sparked a global con­ver­sa­tion about the import­ance of flies and the work of tax­onomy. Bryan now works as a Postdoc­toral Fel­low at CSIRO’s Aus­tralian National Insect Col­lec­tion, research­ing the evol­u­tion and classification of sol­dier flies (Stratiomyidae), most fam­ous for the black sol­dier fly Her­metia illu­cens that powers com­post bins and could become the super­food of the 21st cen­tury. Bryan also shares his passion for flies and biodiversity with the world through social media, speaking events and the written word. In 2016 he was an invited speaker at TEDxCanberra. Please come and watch Bryan speak about his passion for entomology and challenge your perception of the humble fly.


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