Glorious weather for birding from 8.30am – a slight cool breeze with the morning turning to hot by 11.15.
Most exciting was evidence of a second OR late breeding attempt by Scarlet Robins. Two adult birds were seen feeding 2 dependent young in the region where a pair of Scarlet Robins successfully bred late in 2016. However there had been
two pairs of Scarlet Robins within 50 metres of each other in the September December period, so which pair it was is the question.
Additionally, a male Scarlet Robin morphing into redness was seen approximately 1 km away from the group of 4 Robins.
Of 35 species the most interesting were 2 Rufous Songlark not calling, Rufous Whistler juveniles, young Dollarbirds, plenty of young Red-browed Finch, 3 or more Southern Whiteface with a Double-barred Finch and Red-browed Finch, young Black-faced
Cuckoo Shrike, dependent young Red-wattlebird, Western Gerygone, White-necked Heron flying over, Speckled Warbler, Red-rumped Parrots, plenty of Yellow-rumped Thornbill, a few Tree Martins and approximately 14 Dusky Woodswallow with dependent young.