The surveys were done in very cold conditions this morning (-4 at the start). Near the main entrance to Callum Brae the roosting Sulphur-crested Cockatoos and Straw-necked Ibis were trying to catch the early sun before moving off. In most survey sites
there was little activity, apart from good numbers of rosellas. Between sites, and particularly along the quarry fence and at nursery corner, there were several feeding flocks, with Weebills and Buff-rumped Thornbills in good numbers. Both Flame (1M) and Scarlet
Robins (1M,1F) were along the quarry fence, as was a Speckled Warbler. Three more of the latter were seen close to the farm fence in the top corner. Two Grey Currawongs flew into the reserve from the quarry, calling loudly. A large group of Sulphur-crested
Cockatoos was feeding on dead thistles at nursery corner, and the long-established Little Corella/Long-billed Corella pair were investigating a hollow. There were several groups of Crested Pigeons sighted, but the most numerous bird of the morning was Eastern
Rosella, with over 50 counted, including several squabbling groups of a dozen or so birds. 40 species in total seen for the morning.
Sandra Henderson