G'day all,
I have just been reading the June edition of the Gang-Gang Newsletter and note the interest in Olive-backed Oriole.
For the last 5 years i have regular visits from them to my birdbath but have not kept notes so can only go off memory and photos i have taken. Each year they bring their young ( Immature ) here also and it is always 2.
I would have to go through my archives to give a better analysis but that would take a long time so i will give my accounts from photos i have on my FlickR.
July 21, 2012 Adult and Immature
August 3, 2012 Adult
August 23, 2013 Adult
June 9, 2014 Adult and Immature
May 31, 2015 Adult and Immature
May 28, 2016 Adult and Immature ( These are still around )
They are here most of the year but i tend not to be home much to see them.