
Drama on Narrabundah Hill - a cacophony of 40 + YTB Cockatoos

To: canberrabirds <>
Subject: Drama on Narrabundah Hill - a cacophony of 40 + YTB Cockatoos
From: casburnj <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 05:12:06 +0000

This morning 9am, 500 metres and up from the northern end style, there was much toing and froing and a terrific racket as Sulphur Crested Cockatoos did their best to chase away and defend their roost trees from very noisy and active 40+ Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos. At this stage the birds were hard to count as they flew rapidly around and ranged widely up the hill and towards Mount Stromlo. Concentrated numbers were still along the track line on my return 1.5 hours later.  By 11am when I returned towards the style,  I counted roughly 30 birds perched in various trees, many of which were making begging calls, although I didn’t see any being fed.  I suspected many adult birds were up the hill in the pines feeding.  This was an astounding but delightful experience. Most other birds normally present were nowhere to be seen.


Is it likely that the old tale could be true that these birds are escaping the predicted wet coastal conditions?




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  • Drama on Narrabundah Hill - a cacophony of 40 + YTB Cockatoos, casburnj <=

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