Autumn is always an exciting time to be birdwatching in the region with the mass movement of many species from summer to winter habitats. The honeyeater migration was a highlight of the K2C bird surveys held on Sunday 10 April in very mild
dry conditions. The largest number of honeyeaters recorded at a site was 600 passing through over the 20 minute period, the majority were
Yellow-faced Honeyeaters with an estimated 25% White-naped Honeyeaters. The migration was most evident in the Michelago area, but small flocks were recorded at sites from Williamsdale down to Bredbo. Other honeyeaters moving included small groups
of Red Wattlebirds, and one group of Noisy Friarbirds.
Ravens also congregate in large numbers at this time of year, particularly
Little Ravens, and several groups of 100 or more birds were seen. Other autumn movements include the appearance in the lowlands of the
Flame Robin (recorded at one site) and Golden Whistlers (several sites). At the same time, late-departing summer migrants were still enjoying the warm days including
Dusky Woodswallow (up to 40 at two of sites), Grey Fantail, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike and
Rufous Songlark skulking quietly in the grasslands.
Threatened species were in encouragingly good numbers particularly
Scarlet Robin (12 properties), Hooded Robin (6), Brown Treecreeper (9),
Diamond Firetail (7 sites including more than 12 birds at one site), Speckled Warbler (3), Varied Sittella (1), and
Gang-Gang (2 sites, including a flock of 25 at one site)
The K2C bird surveys are in their 7th year. We thank the landholders for their ongoing interest, the many COG volunteers who contribute their time, and Bush Heritage Australia for their support. The next surveys will be on Sunday
9 October.
Nicki Taws
0408 210736