Here in Wamboin the Scarlet Robin is listed as vulnerable, as in the ACT.
One of our neighbours reports on a robin rescue, as follows:
Thought I would share what happened yesterday. We had a red robin fly up into the ceiling through the the garage manhole. We left lights on in and out but it was unable to fly back out. I spent several hours up there and we both were getting
tired. I made up a net on a rod and when I returned it was asleep with its head in its chest. It was within reach of the rod so I took the gamble. It landed well and I crawled through the trusses quickly and grabbed the little thing. There was no struggle.
I went up to the garden with it in my hand, opened my palm and it perched on my finger. It just sat there, looked at me then looked around and flew off. [My wife] was over the moon too.
It is great that we have people who are not hard-core birders but who still care so much for the well-being of our wild native birds, especially this species that needs all the help that we can give it.
David McDonald
1004 Norton Road
Wamboin NSW 2620
T: (02) 6238 3706
M: 0416 231 890
F: (02) 9475 4274
E: m("","david");">