About 45 minutes ago, excellent flight views of a STK over our house in Duffy St. Appeared to be a young bird without much white on the head. Could only see the underside. A harrier
sized bird with buoyant flight on long upswept wings, broadest towards tip, with 6 barred primaries clearly visible. White window towards wing tips and a dark carpal crescent also present. Rufous breast and underwing coverts. Didn’t flap its wings during the
minute or so that we could see it.
Prue got some photos, hopefully sharp enough to confirm the id, haven’t had a chance to look at them on a large screen yet. Will post if they are good enough. I have little doubt
the id is correct, a bird that I have seen fairly often, particularly on the NSW south coast.
Last seen drifting north towards the Fisher St entrance to MT Ainslie NR (off Duffy St).
Very exciting!