G'day, I would like to advise of observing strange feeding habits of our
local magpies this season. Early in the hatching season I observed 3 magpies
feeding a young one. Two were males and one female. I was giving them some
beef mince and each adult bird would feed the young squawker. I let the www
of HubPages know and he said he had heard of two females feeding a young
bird, but never two males.
Would this be news to your organisation, or not?
I have been observing magpies for 70 years, since I was a kid during the 2nd
world war. Firstly by bird nesting, (collecting there eggs) and more so
since I retired from work. I have trained a number of back yard birds,
magpies, pee wees and willie wagtails to take a bit of mince from my
fingers. One pee wee got quite tame and would sit on my head whist having a
bite to eat.
Yours, Ken Wood, 45 Pickworth St, Holt 2615 ph 62546097