Thanks Mat - will pass on to the locals where this species excites more interest than any other, for all sorts of reasons. Also, one for the Pacific-ist
school (yet to be satisfactorily resolved, in my view) g
From: mat & cathy [
Sent: Wednesday, 22 July 2015 5:27 PM
To: Geoffrey Dabb
Subject: Koels
Hi Geoffrey,
You will (perhaps) be pleased to know that Clements is changing its koel treatment to reduce confusion we discussed about Australian vs oriental vs asian vs pacific. This will better align with the other taxonomies too.
Eudynamys scolopaceus
Asian Koel
Eudynamys orientalis
Pacific Koel
Eudynamys orientalis [orientalis Group]
Pacific Koel (Oriental)
Eudynamys orientalis cyanocephalus/subcyanocephalus
Pacific Koel (Australian)
Mat & Cathy Gilfedder
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