Hi all
Passing this on in case anyone is able to help...
If you find a recently dead rabbit you could pop it in a plastic bag, fridge it and call Tanja. Also keep a note of where you found it.
Hi everyone,
If you come across a dead rabbit while in the field at Mulligans (or Gooroo) please can you contact Dr Tanja Strive from CSIRO as she is testing them RHDV (see email below). I am guessing that the carcass needs
to be relatively fresh if she needs to take liver samples.
Dear all,
There just has been an OIE notification of a new exotic strain of RHDV in the ACT (See below). This one is different yet again from the exotic strain that turned up in Sydney last year and that I found in
one of the Mulligan’s rabbits back in March.
It is unclear where it came from of what implications it will have for rabbit control (good or bad), as this strain is similar to European strains that have slightly different properties compared to Australian
strains. However it will be very important that we track the movement of this virus in the landscape.
I would like to ask you all for help: Can you keep your eyes out for dead bunnies please?
All I need is a small piece of the liver but if you don't have any sampling kit with you, you could just bag it and keep cool and drop me an email or ring me (details below or
0417 342 805) and I’ll arrange for pickup.
We have been detecting dead bunnies here at black mountain until a two weeks ago, so there could still be virus activity in the area.
Your help with this is much appreciated
Many thanks in advance!
Dr Tanja Strive
Research Scientist
Team Leader Invasive Species
CSIRO Biosecurity Flagship
GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
+61 2 6246 4176