The surveys at Gooroo north were carried out on a very wintery morning when the fog waxed and waned but never lifted. The good thing about the fog was that it dulled the incessant roar from the Gungahlin suburbs, and prevented the usual
procession of planes from taking off low overhead. Despite the fog there was plenty of small bird activity even if it was a bit difficult to see them at times. Mixed feeding flocks were encountered at four sites, consistently made up of Buff-rumped and Striated
Thornbill, Weebill and White-eared Honeyeater +/- Yellow-rumped Thornbill, Pardalotes, Speckled Warbler, Golden Whistler, Grey Fantail and Brown-headed Honeyeater. No Robins were seen. An army of 30 Choughs marched through one site. Wood Ducks were clucking
outside hollows in a couple of big trees. Foxes were seen at two sites, not good news for any Bush Stone-curlews still present.
Nicki Taws
0408 210736