G'day All,
We're pleased to launch the Bitterns in Rice Project website.
Please share the link through your networks. It's the one-stop-shop for
information and updates on our project.
We're also pleased to inform you, if you're not already aware, that the
Tracking Bunyip Birds component has officially begun, with our first bittern
away with a satellite transmitter. "Robbie" is a young male from Coleambally,
and the results are absolutely captivating.
Just a few hours ago, we learnt that he has now crossed two state borders
and is 557 kilometres from where we attached the transmitter only 11 days ago.
The website will be updated regularly. He's on the move, discovering the
Australian landscape for the first time.
If you want to receive updates as they're posted, be sure to sign up to
email updates on the website. Alternatively, you can like the Bitterns in Rice
Project on Facebook or follow me on Twitter @Matt_HerringOz
Best regards,
Matt Herring for The Bitterns in Rice Project.
Matt Herring
Wildlife Ecologist
Environmental Education
Wildlife Pty Ltd
Mobile: 0428 236
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