This sunny morning, while waiting for the Superb Parrots to present
themselves in the poses approved by the International Avian
Photographariat, my attention was drawn to a Noisy of Miners. They were
chasing a Blackbird which they had chased into the AIS carpark. I could
but click in the vague hope that the camera and the lens would sort it
out. (See attached).
In desperation, the Blackbird, plonked itself on the ground in the open
but at my feet, whereat I took my first ever opportunity to photograph a
blackbird at very close hand, in good light and sitting still; very,
very still. Six Noisy Miners flew into a nearby branch where they
quarreled, I assume, about whether to take me out with the Blackbird.
The Blackbird eventually left my protection and fled to the nearby
gardens, pursued by one only Miner, which managed at least one hit on
the shrilling Blackbird before it reached cover.
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