

To: "'chatline canberrabirds'" <>
Subject: Needletails
From: "Mark Clayton" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2015 18:54:19 +1100

Good evening all,


I have just had 8 White-throated Needletails (aka Spine-tailed Swifts) fly over my house in Kaleen plus what could have been a Fork-tailed Swift (only got a very brief view but it did have a longer, thinner tail than the W-t N). The first seven swifts came from a northerly direction flying south and the 8th bird plus the possible fork-tail came in from the west. These are the first swifts I have seen over Kaleen for many years. An incidental report form will be filled in.




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  • Needletails, Mark Clayton <=

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