Looking at Robin’s two photo’s, apart from the obvious tail on one and apparently not on the other (is it obscured by the left wing which appears to be drooping slightly?), and I may be imagining things, but I reckon the eyes of the two birds are different and there is a clear pale “eyebrow” on the second photo that appears not to be on the first – this could be an artefact of the light. I am beginning to think that there may be two birds. If this is the case, where is the second bird roosting – it won’t be too far away. Also, how far did it have to go to get its latest meal, a Sugar Glider? All guesswork on my part. I will be interested to see what others think.
From: Robin Eckermann [
Sent: Saturday, 13 December 2014 3:26 PM
Subject: [canberrabirds] Mystery of the Powerful Owl tail feathers
On Thursday I posted a picture of the Powerful Owl - and Con pointed out it was minus its tail feathers. The speculation was that it was molting. However, I went back just now (Saturday) after hearing it was munching on a possum - and took another photo that clearly shows tail feathers.
![Saturday picture](jpg_O7tn69xgU.jpg)
Thursday Saturday
(click on either thumbnail for larger view)
Theories: (a) Thursday's picture contains an optical illusion, (b) feathers have re-grown very rapidly, (c) a pair of owls sharing the same perch?
Regards ... Robin Eckermann
02-6161-6161 or 0418-630-555