A lull in the rain sent me out for a quick walk along Gininnderra Creek and I was not alone. The local grass birds were taking the opportunity to form up the usual Ginninderra Creek – Percival Hill Autumn MFF. 100 + very boisterous little birds enjoying
the break in the weather. Three main components, at least 30 each of Red Browed Finches, Superb Fairy Wrens and Yellow-rumped Thornbills plus numbers of Double-barred Finches, various other Thornbills, a few Scrub Wrens, some I didn’t identify quickly enough
among the constantly-moving throng and (surprisingly I thought) quite few sparrows. Quite spectacular when the flock flew ahead of me as there were red rumps, yellow rumps, buff rumps and then the quite bright white rumps of the Doublebars.