Thank you Paul, Philip and all the other people who have kindly taken the time to respond thoughtfully to my ponderings about repeated sightings of the same bird. I will keep doing what I do and report every couple of weeks.
I am glad Crakes are on the increase but I am also sure that the small constructed wetlands in Gungahlin and elsewhere contribute in more than one dimension. Yes, they do provide suitable Crake habitats where none existed before. But it is also important
that they are small wetlands with easy access and provide very close-up viewing of small birds. It is very easy at Crace to get quite close-up views of such elusive species as Crakes, Grassbirds and Reed Warblers, for example, as evidenced by the number of
very experienced COG photographers who now regularly report photographing these species at Crace and nearby wetlands. It is a win-win-win-win situation!. The water-cleaning wetlands are good for the birds, good for the birdwatchers, good for the environment
and visually attractive.