Those little graphics represent species all found drinking within a couple of hours at Wattle Dam, Binya SF, a site recently recalled by Wayne Gregson, a favourite watery spot of riverina birding doyenne, Sandra Henderson, AND venue of a famous bird-banding course conducted by Mark Clayton a few years ago. More Crimson Chats than you could poke a stick at, I believe.
First one is parts of male Masked and White-browed Woodswallows (now both ho-hum species around Canberra); in 2 a bathing Diamond Firetail was being photographed when a Peaceful Dove walked into the frame; 3 is the shoulder of a Bar-shouldered Dove, possibly the actual bar.
Mark Clayton and Anthony Overs got’em, with others venturing some astute part-answers. In the second crude compilation, Mark has correctly opined that this is not an actual living species and seen in it Turquoise Parrot (tail), Common Bronzewing (wing and back) and Apostlebird (head(s)). The undercarriage belongs to a Striped Honeyeater (Mr Stripey, to some).