
Blitz report

To: COG List <>
Subject: Blitz report
From: Martin Butterfield <>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 21:05:00 +1100
I covered 7 sites around Kowen Forest this morning.  My overall total was 43 species with 5 breeding records.  (Rufous Whistler DIsplay); White-browed Scrubwren (Carrying Food); White-wnged Chough (Nest with Young); Common Starling (Nest with Young); Australian Raven (Carrying Food - in that case it appeared to be half a ham sandwich stolen from some railway workers)

The best site was a heavily grazed paddock opposite the Defence HQ which had 20+ White-browed Woodswallow,. 5 Masked Woodswallow, 5 Dusky Woodswallow 3 White-winged Trillers and a pair of Scarlet Robins.  The worst site was on the back of Sparrow Hill which has been clear-felled with extreme prejudice and replanted ....  to Pinus radiata!!!!

Other extra-good sightings were a Jacky Winter and Speckled Warbler.

I didn't count the Brown Goshawk which nearly took my helmet off at Kowen Pound as a breeding record.

A few images of birds and other stuff I noticed are on my blog.

Martin Butterfield
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