
A FSP avenue

To: canberra birds <>
Subject: A FSP avenue
From: Rosemary Blemings <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 07:30:19 +1100
In April I mentioned to Michael McConachie that the avenue of trees between 
Dairy Flat Road and the Fyshwick Sewerage Treatment complex contained many 
invasive species. These introduced trees contained large numbers of berries 
which birds eat and transfer to nature reserves.
The ACT Parks and Conservation Service (PCS), with countless volunteers from 
Landcaring and Parkcaring groups, have spent decades of energy and time 
removing these invasive plants which deny space, nutrients and water to native 

Removing these Fyshwick trees and combining this process with a thorough and 
state-of-the-art revegetation of the Treatment Works would bring significant 
benefits for wildlife and especially the birds which already have the area 
ingrained in their genetic makeup. Having complimentary, healthy habitat beside 
the Jerrabomberra Wetlands can only enhance the work of the Friends of 
Jerrabomberra and PCS.
It is vital that as much land as possible be retained for and managed as 
connectivity-corridor in our region. Open, natural spaces also bring enormous 
benefits to humans though this positive factor is rarely included in budgetary 
allocations for 'the environment'.

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