Last Tuesday at the ANBG there were numerous Galahs, Crimson Rosellas and one pair of Eastern Rosellas peering into, and in several cases, cleaning out hollows. One Eucalyptus mannifera on the edge of the Proteacea section had two Galahs about a metre apart chomping their way into separate holes.
On another topic relevant at the moment, on Saturday morning I did a survey of the two MacKellar ponds. On the larger pond I counted 90 Yellow-faced Honeyeaters (an underestimate) and five White-naped Honeyeaters moving through. The birds were still moving when I finished my count. When I returned home there was a small group (+/- five) YFH in my neighbours garden across he road, The first I have seen locally for a few years. They used to be regular through my Kaleen garden.
From: Dennis Ayliffe [
Sent: Monday, 8 April 2013 9:50 PM
To: Canberra Birds
Subject: [canberrabirds] Galah enlarging hollow in eucalypt, Bot Gardens
Yesterday for about 15 minutes I watched a galah diligently cleaning out and enlarging a hollow in a mature tree at the southern end of the Eucalypt Lawn at the Botanic Gardens. Its mate (presumably) sat mutely watching from another tree about 20 metres away.