
Rufous fantail at Gold Creek

To: <>
Subject: Rufous fantail at Gold Creek
From: "Philip Veerman" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 10:20:02 +1100
I responded to Matt privately about this: that during migration Rufous Fantails can turn up anywhere within their range and that they rarely stay in one place for more than a day or two. Also if it is part of a COG Woodland survey, then it should go on the COG records, which is what matters.
-----Original Message-----
From: pardalote [
Sent: Tuesday, 26 March 2013 9:03 AM
Subject: [canberrabirds] Rufous fantail at Gold Creek

Hi All
I went with a friend to do COG Woodland survey at Gold Creek last Saturday.  We saw the usual suspects, brown, yellow-rumped and buff-rumped thornbills, crimson and eastern rosellas, white-throated treecreepers, western gerygones, golden whistlers etc.  But among all thos we saw a few species of interest.  These included a small flock of dusky woodswallows, a whistling kite, and a rufous fantail in the first survey site.  It was carrying on with about three grey fantails.  It was a first for the survey area, and a lifer for me.  My friend dismissed me for a few minutes so I could go and watch the little bird.
As it was on private property, I don't know whether I should report it on Eremaea, and I would appreciate it if anyone could help me out here.
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