We do currently have a Lace Monitor in care at RSPCA – it was found on the side of the road at Namadgi – you can see his photo on the RSPCA ACT Facebook page.
From: Peter Ormay [
Sent: Tuesday, 19 March 2013 12:46 PM
To: Geoffrey Dabb;
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Newline
The common goanna around the ACT is Rosenberg's Goanna. One was seen on the north side of Mt Tennent a couple of months ago by most of the group on a Wednesday Walk by the
ACT Native Plant Soc. The only Lace Monitor recorded up to about 1985 in the ACT was one that lived in an enclosed courtyard at the ANU in the early 80s. It that was later fitted with a transmitter and released on Black Mt. It wintered in a hollow tree after
which the transmitter was removed. Soon after that I found it roadkilled on Barry Dr with the imprint of the transmitter still visible on it's back.
The nearest population of Lace Monitors to the ACT is at Wee Jasper.
The University of NSW School of Computer and Engineering
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