
yesterday in the upper Cotter - migratations and fire

To: COG list <>
Subject: yesterday in the upper Cotter - migratations and fire
From: Con Boekel <>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 13:58:55 +1100
Significant numbers of Yellow-faced Honeyeaters and White-naped Honeyeaters moving around up around Bendora Dam, Bendora Road and the upper end of Warks Road. Also one small flock of Rufous Whistlers on the move.

Perhaps a random event, perhaps not: yesterday was the first time I recorded Crescent Honeyaters in three grid cells on the same day in the Upper Cotter. Up to now I have only seen them in one grid cell up there. Do they do altitudinal migration?

While there, 'they' did a control burn which abutted Warks road so I do hope they haven't destroyed the somewhat desultory wet gully regrowth thereabouts since the 2003 fires. The ACT Wonga Pigeons are in enough trouble already.

Other birds of interest: Eastern Whipbird, Spotted Quailthrush and several male Rose Robins. I spent several hours searching for the Cicadabirds in their usual areas but did not record them.



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