That is Lyrebird-centric of you. I was thinking of something like
a little machine that says, 'Pied Currawong, unless it is a
Lyrebird pretending to be a Pied Currawong'.
On 3/03/2013 9:56 AM, Geoffrey Dabb wrote:
Is the ‘Lyrebird codicil’ the
optional extra you present to a calling lyrebird to learn
which species, or other original sound, is being mimicked?
Robin, Martin
Would it need the Lyrebird codicil?
On 3/03/2013 8:08 AM, Robin Eckermann wrote:
That application was probably "Shazam"
... and there are one or two similar ones of which I am
aware - like "Soundhound". Here's a link describing it a
little more, and also explaining the underlying technique
A version based on a database of bird
calls certainly would be nice ... though the variations
may prove challenging.
Regards ... Robin Eckermann
02-61-61-61-61 or 0418-630-555
(excuse brevity & typos - I wrote
this on a touch-pad)
A friend visited yesterday bearing an
iPad on which an application - i refuse to use the
non-word 'app' - had been loaded which recognises music.
This works by holding the iPad near a loudspeaker on
which a song is being played and within about 15 seconds
the name of the song appears. We tested this and got
positive results for both artist and song with Bo
Diddley - playing the tune of the same name - and Lonnie
Donegan doing Rock Island Line. Metropolitan Klezmer -
a semi-pro band from NYC proved beyond its capacity.
I have no idea how this works but
it suggests than an application to recognise a fair
proportion of bird calls should be technically
feasible. Ha anyone heard of such a program being
Martin Butterfield