Peter Roberts (a former COG President now living at Merimbula) and myself
spent the first part of this week on a birding trip taking in Narrandera
Wetland, Fivebough and Tuckerbill Swamps, the Lake Wyangan/Campbell swamp area
at Griffith and a brief visit to Binya SF near Yenda.
Fivebough is still inundated such that the walking tracks are unusable but
plenty of birds to compensate. Tuckerbill also has plenty of water as does
Campbells Swamp.
A total list of 112 for the trip with 91 recorded in a full day in and
around Leeton. Highlights were large numbers of Australian Spotted Crake,
a single Freckled Duck (fivebough), big groups of Glossy Ibis and Great Egret,
large numbers of Superb parrots, White Browed and White Breasted Woodswallows,
Baillon’s Crake (Campbells swamp), Marsh Sandpiper (Fivebough), Emus between
Leeton and Griffith and Plumed Whistling Ducks (Tuckerbill).
Binya yielded Speckled Warbler, Splendid Wren and White Browed
Only one White Backed Swallow was seen at the old sand quarry at the
entrance to Tuckerbill and other than Red Rumps and Superbs very few parrots
were seen. There may have been small migratory waders at Fivebough but we
couldn’t find them.
I’ll be happy to provide a full list to anyone