
Callum Brae Spring Mingrants

To: Canberra Birds <>
Subject: Callum Brae Spring Mingrants
From: John Leonard <>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 16:07:34 +1000
At Callum Brae this afternoon there was little about to begin with. The only excitement was a possible Masked Woodswallow glimpsed at a very great distance. 

However where the main track crosses the creek that flows down towards the eastern boundary of the reserve we came across a little flurry of migrants: a White-winged Triller, an Olive-backed Oriole, a Rufous Songlark and Dusky Woodswallows.

Earlier at Mugga Lane Dump we took a wrong turn and instead of exiting we headed south towards the active dump. Before we realised our mistake and turned around we saw 20-30 Fairy Martins. The area they were in had various ponds and probably had suitable culverts &c for nesting. Hope this is a colony that will breed. 

John Leonard

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