
Gooroo South woodland survey, Sunday 30th September

To: "'Canberra Birds'" <>, <>
Subject: Gooroo South woodland survey, Sunday 30th September
From: "Steve Holliday" <>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 15:30:00 +1000

Prue and I did our spring woodland survey this morning in cool but initially still conditions. Unfortunately a strong, cold wind soon blew up and continued for the rest of the survey. This may be the reason for the relatively low species count of 43. Some of the expected migrants were missing, with no sign of cuckoos, Noisy Friarbird or White-throated Gerygones. The reserve was looking very green and creeks were flowing after the heavy rain on Friday and Saturday.


Species we did find included Rufous Whistler (3+), Mistletoebird (1), Dusky Woodswallow (7), Western Gerygone (3), Superb Parrot (3) and Varied Sittella (1). At site 6 a stroppy pair of Brown Goshawks were harassing  Australian Ravens that had an active nest in a tree the goshawks have nested in previously. Also at site 6 we flushed a Brown Falcon from a big Blakely’s Red Gum, they have also bred in this area in recent years. A pair of Wedge-tailed Eagles were also seen on a couple of occasions during the morning.


Seems to be a very good season for Early Nancy (Wurmbea dioica) which was flowering abundantly in many places. 3 species of frog were calling and a Swamp Wallaby was seen.



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  • Gooroo South woodland survey, Sunday 30th September, Steve Holliday <=

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