Yes, after listening to the canberrabirds recording, that's almost certainly
it. Thanks.
On 18/09/2012, at 12:08 PM, wrote:
> Crescent Honeyeater
> I could detect it's shrill "eg-ypt " doublenote in that recording.
> cheers
> Richard
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> P Please consider the environment before printing this email
> From: David Nicholls <>
> To: Canberra Birds <>
> Date: 18/09/2012 12:02 PM
> Subject: [canberrabirds] Eastern Spinebill?
> There's a bird that has taken up residence in one of the wattles at Mt
> Stromlo Observatory, which has a loud clear complex set of calls, which it
> exchanges with another some distance away. I think it's an Eastern Spinebill
> (I have heard more conventional "peeping" calls as well), but it sits deep in
> the foliage when it calls so I can't see it. Here's a quick and nasty
> recording of the call. Can anyone confirm or clarify the ID?
> DN
> [attachment "MSO18.9.12.mp3" deleted by Richard Allen/CBR/IPAustralia]
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