
BSK in Hughes

To: "'John Leonard'" <>, <>
Subject: BSK in Hughes
From: "Philip Veerman" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 22:55:56 +1000
It may not have been passing through. I went by bus from Woden to city today
at about mid day and saw a Black-shouldered Kite perched on the light pole
in the middle of the grassed area next to the "Dinornis" swirling sculpture
at the big roundabout (Yamba / Melrose / Yarra Glen). I thought it notable
as I have not seen one there before. I wondered about whether it was worth a


-----Original Message-----
From: John Leonard 
Sent: Friday, 14 September 2012 1:53 PM
Subject: BSK in Hughes

A Black-shouldered Kite was hovering over the rough grass along Yamba Drive
south of Hughes Oval today (14 sept) at around 12.30.

It didn't stay long, seemed to be passing through.

John Leonard

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