A good
idea to try to dissuade that behaviour. The logical connection she made, is not
logic to a currawong. This is not a new problem but I doubt it is as widespread
as people all over Canberra are feeding Currawongs. ABC TV made a film some
years ago in which Harry Recher highlighted this problem. It has been on TV at
least 2 or 3 times. Even though he somewhat overstated the case. What it does is
help keep currawong numbers high. It would not stop their predation. Someone
within my GBS area feeds the magpies and so I have regularly had a population of
up to 50 of them. I don't think she intends to include currawongs but they also
do get fed.
letterbox drop is expensive but a newspaper article is a good option.
I was not surprised to read that a BKS was seen in Hughes but then
moved on. Hughes is becoming infested with Currawongs, getting rid of
everything in site...last year they even chased a Koel away. I recently
saw a woman who lives near me actually feeding balls of mince meat to them. When
I asked her about this she said lots of people she knows feed Currawongs because
“then they won’t take baby birds from the nests”!! I could not
change her mind. So...I was wondering if there are any official
publications, leaflets etc advising against this bad habit. Perhaps
COG could arrange with Government for a letterbox drop to advise against it, or
even a newspaper article. If people all over Canberra are feeding
Currawongs then no wonder they re reaching plague proportions
Geoff Duggan