searched for these birds without success for about an hour in several parts of
Lake Tuggeranong, late yesterday afternoon, and again mid day today for about an
hour at the northern end, near the boat ramp (but I had no idea where the
boatshed is or if it is near the boat ramp - I guess it is - off
Mortimer Lewis drive - and until yesterday I did not know where the boat
ramp is).
sort of interest, though not good, to see was a family group (I assume,
as they were very close) at the extreme northern end of Lake Tuggeranong of
7 mixed Mallards / Pacific Black Ducks. Two like typical adult male Mallards,
one almost all white and the others appeared to be various stages of
hybrid. Hopefully someone can remove them for some good use.
Two Great-crested Grebes on Lake Tuggeranong late
today in the middle of the lake in front of the boatshed.