
re All COG photographers

To: <>
Subject: re All COG photographers
From: "Chris Davey" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 11:55:07 +1000



I pass this on for those members of COG who own a camera.





The 6th annual WetlandCare Australia’s National Art and Photography Competition is now open, and offering a flock of prizes for works exploring Australia’s diverse wetlands and waterways.
Entries are invited in the Youth and Open categories and must be received by 9th November 2012. There are great prizes including cash, art packs and books. The first 25 Open Art and Open Photography entries will receive a gift voucher from The Native Shop to purchase native plants and seedlings.
Winning works will be displayed in an exhibition and awards night at the Hunter Wetlands Centre, Newcastle on World Wetlands Day, 2nd February, 2013.
Entry forms and information can be found on the WetlandCare Australia website or by phoning 1800 816 147.


Chris Davey (President)       

24 Bardsley Place


ACT 2615


Tel: 02 62546324

MOB: 0418679847


Description: cid:<script language=m("01CCBD8E.B92E3280","image001.png");">


PO Box 301, Civic Square ACT 2608





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