
Lake George

Subject: Lake George
From: Con Boekel <>
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 13:55:43 +1000


Hah! The population that was there around 200 years ago was supposed to have been based on trasnslocated fish. Technically, I suppose that the Lake George Murray Cod were indigenous feral fish. From what I understand that the Lake George fishing boats were steam-powered.

I believe that the introduced Redfin Perch have the capacity to continue to survive in the feeder streams when Lake George is dry*. Stories of the prodigious Redfin Perch populations in Lake George, when full, abound.



*I don't believe this explanation of why Lake George appears to self-stock Redfin Perch. it is obvious that New Guineans send Redfin Perch down the tunnel every time they fill the lake.

On 8/03/2012 1:42 PM, Geoffrey Dabb wrote:

The curse of a memory.  I recall reading this amusing response when I was at school in the mid-50s …



From: Con Boekel [m("","con");">]
Sent: Thursday, 8 March 2012 1:40 PM
To: m("","canberrabirds");">
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Lake George


I am sorry to see that the scientifically correct explanation, as explained to us (then) ACT newbies in the early eighties - the tunnel to New Guinea - has been lost in the mists of time.

The incorrect theories are limited in their explanatory power because they are based on a single discipline. The correct theory is multi-disciplinary, combining knowledge about geology, hydrology and history. On distance alone, it would have been logical to expect Lake George to have formed in South-eastern Northern Territory if Sumatra were the recharge area. While, if New Zealand were the recharge area, Bateman's Bay would have been the correct location for Lake George. I understand that the primary reason the Queensland Colonial Government Annexed New Guinea was to protect Lake George on behalf of the Colony of New South Wales. OTOH, had Sumatra or New Zealand been the recharge areas, the British Empire would have had to either invade the Netherlands East Indies or allow the Colony of New South Wales to annexe New Zealand.

BTW, I believe that, around the turn of the century before the last turn of the century, there may actually have been a Murray Cod fishery based on Lake George.


On 8/03/2012 11:25 AM, Sue-Ellen and Ray wrote:

Thank you all for the inputs I have now got three options to solve the mysteries of lake George and its water levels (linkages to Central Australia ,New Zealand and Sumatra) plus one  that had a strong element of scientific fact and logic to support it. See below for the one that I like the best.



Nah, you’re both wrong.  It has a channel through to Lake Toba on Sumatra, one of the biggest volcanic craters in the world.




From: Ian Fraser [m("","calochilus51");">]
Sent: Thursday, 8 March 2012 8:25 AM
Cc: 'canberrabirds'
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Lake George


Actually the link is to Lake Taupo in NZ via a tunnel under the Tasman - it's well-established that when one is full, the other is empty.

On the other hand there are those tedious souls who insist that it's just down to a small local catchment area, plus a large evaporation area and shallow basin. Boring....

cheers anyway


On 7/03/2012 22:08, Sue-Ellen and Ray wrote:

Hi All – Lake George is a mystery to me with some suggestions there is a “drainage link” from it to central Australia – who knows!!!! I will be in Canberra over the next week so would be interested ( but I have no local knowledge) in joining a birding group to do some exploring in the area.




Ian Fraser, m("","calochilus51");">    
Environment Tours; Vertego Environmental Consultancy    
PO Box 4148, Weston Creek, ACT 2611    
ph: 61 2 6287 4813      


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