There has had to be a change to the original destination from Yathong to
Cocoparra. Yathong is not available for the Easter period but it is available
for the following week.
I am proposing that, for those who are interested, we carry on after
Cocoparra and go on to Yathong for 3 or 4 nights.
The cost for accommodation is $22 per person per night (ie $44 per couple
per night). This is a bit more than it has been in the past. Camping is not an
option (not allowed in the Nature Reserve).
Facilities include a fully equipped kitchen, flushing loo, showers and some
rather dodgy beds (well they were dodgy 10 years ago – maybe they have
Before I confirm the tentative booking I would like expressions of interest
(via e-mail if possible- ). Money has to be paid when the booking is made.
Noel Luff