4 (at least). It’s possible the male hasn’t been in view since 5 Oct - unless someone has a definite ID since then.
From: Jeff Davies [
Sent: Tuesday, 18 October 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Geoffrey Dabb'
Cc: Danny Rogers
Subject: RE: Year of the Painted-snipe
G’day Geoffrey,
B2 is a definite female so you have four birds based on the images below, they all look adult to me.
This species seems to be popping up all over the place, just goes to prove the contributing factor to their threatened status is simply lack of wet habitat inland which is overcome to some degree in a year of above average rainfall. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if all the drained ephemeral wetlands of Australia could be reinstated, in many cases a farmer with a shovel would be all that’s required.
Cheers Jeff.