The 2 Painted Snipe were still in the same area at midday, resting in a gap between tussocks, a couple of metres to the right of the log where they were originally seen
From: Geoffrey Dabb [
Sent: Tuesday, 27 September 2011 9:49 AM
To: 'chatline canberrabirds'
Subject: RE: [canberrabirds] painted-snipe
Today around 0730 I flushed 7 Latham’s Snipe from the margins of the billabong behind the school. They dispersed individually to other parts of the wetland (they rarely fly a short distance) where they are available to be reported by other observers, as painted-snipe or otherwise.
The female painted-snipe was visible 0830 partially obscured by tussocks at the spot indicated by Harvey. It could just be seen from the gate, motionless, apparently resting, for about a half-hour. Probably still there.
Glossy Ibis still present.
From: Terry Bell [
Sent: Tuesday, 27 September 2011 2:43 PM
To: chatline canberrabirds
Subject: [canberrabirds] painted snipe
thw two terriers ventured to the wetlands this morning to find several coggers already there with their equipment. Although we missed out at the long log site one lucky member did flush a snipe out the section containing several water filled furrows partly covered by mounds of dry grass at the swamp edge whilst walking towards the Cygnet hide.Unless someone can claim there are also Latham's snipe present, I feel justified to claim a painted variety sighting as the flight and white wing feathers were unmistakeable. Terry B.