

To: COG bird discussions <>
Subject: EagleCam
From: Denis Wilson <>
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2011 16:40:52 +1000
Dear COG people and other friends

It is actually a White-breasted Sea Eagle Cam, but lets not get pedantic.

This is the hotlink to the webcam at Birds Australia Discovery Centre at Olympic Park, Sydney

  • Beware - the webcam has a habit of bursting into annoying Movie promotions.
The promotional blurb from Birds Australia is heavily "formatted", so it might not come through
on the COG chatline.
But hopefully the hotlink will get posted.

Right now the sea-eagles are sitting on two eggs, and are taking turns to closely guard the nest through rain, wind, hail and shine. The eggs, which were laid in early July, are due to hatch in mid August. And that’s when the real fun begins!

Activity around the nest will increase dramatically as the parent birds relay between the nest and the Parramatta River bringing back a constant supply of food to the squawking nestlings. After that, you’ll be able to watch as the eaglets begin the exciting process of learning to fly.

Denis Wilson

PS Martin, can you please confirm if this gets posted, or how much of it gets published (because of the embedded formatting).



EagleCAM 2011

Welcome to the first edition of Birds Australia's News from the nest: EagleCAM 2011.

EagleCAM is a live 24-hour remote video feed brought to you from the Birds Australia Discovery Centre in Sydney. It provides scientists, researchers and bird lovers with unique insight into the habits of a pair of nesting White-bellied Sea-Eagles

Part of our wider education and outreach program, EagleCAM allows us to observe the sea-eagles at a safe distance and to gain invaluable knowledge about their behaviour. This information can then be used to make better decisions about issues such as habitat management and food sources.


The nest is a success!

Right now the sea-eagles are sitting on two eggs, and are taking turns to closely guard the nest through rain, wind, hail and shine. The eggs, which were laid in early July, are due to hatch in mid August. And that’s when the real fun begins!

Activity around the nest will increase dramatically as the parent birds relay between the nest and the Parramatta River bringing back a constant supply of food to the squawking nestlings. After that, you’ll be able to watch as the eaglets begin the exciting process of learning to fly.


Keep the camera rolling

It takes time and a lot of nurturing to successfully raise a brood. EagleCAM is no different! Dedicated volunteers Geoff, Jon and Judy, have been the drivers behind the project. They provide constant support and technical know-how (including at night!) in the face of some severe technical limitations to bring you this live footage.

To overcome these technical difficulties and keep the video rolling seamlessly, we need to replace the cable that feeds the Discovery Centre. Our goal is to raise $30,000 for the Discovery Centre EagleCAM by the time the chicks fledge in late October. The funds will enable us to upgrade the cable and to bring you a new improved version of EagleCAM in 2012 so that we can all continue to keep tabs on the life and times of our resident sea-eagles.

Witness the magic of nature in real time through EagleCAM!

Support EagleCAM

Denis Wilson
"The Nature of Robertson"

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