A few days ago on a stroll on
the western side of Mount Taylor in the same area where a few weeks
ago I encountered a group of about 20 green Satin Bowerbirds (that were there
still / again), I watched one all blue Satin Bowerbird fly into a tree top,
followed by another all blue Satin Bowerbird, then one flew off to another tree
top, again followed by the other and I saw a bit of exaggerated back and forth
bowing display before they again both flew off. Obviously among the thick
foliage, I could not keep track of who was chasing the other, if that is
what it was. I don't know but it looked more like an aggressive encounter
than anything else. I have never seen 2 all blue Satin Bowerbirds together
Philip Veerman
24 Castley Circuit
Kambah ACT 2902
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