Correction- (thanks Alastair!) it was a Hobby not a PF.
Viewed through the car windscreen, I was deceived by the size (it
looked much larger than the Hobby pair that used to inhabit
Coroborree Park), the wings seemed longer and the back (main view!)
a v dark grey. But closer viewing of photo shows the rufous below
and the white bib/collar extending high up the neck to the top of
the head.
On 22/05/2011 1:16 PM, Robin Hide wrote:
Driving back this morning from a quick Goorooyaroo visit (2 Grey
Butcherbirds, 2 Common Bronzewings - the small fired areas still
smouldering in places) through the new Harrison/Franklin suburbs
(apparent vegetative wastelands?), there was a Peregrine perched
on a streetlamp east of Flemington flew across the road
to the consternation of many galahs, then took off again when I
circled round to get a better view.
Robin Hide