The FSP pair of Little Eagles seems to be increasingly evident. I mention this because in recent weeks one or other is often on a pole along the road between Hindmarsh Drive and Dairy Flat bridge, while the often-dense traffic streams along beneath. This morning both were working the area. It seems to be the same two individuals from over the last few years. Below, the dark-morph female on a pole by the highway abreast of the ponds (D3), same bird on a light pole in the FSW proper (D2, a much-used perch, apparently), ditto wheeling to make a pass across a pond. Distant view of the pale-morph bird on a pole (P1) on the drive up to the FWS, ditto in flight (P2) showing distinctive pale-morph underparts, ditto with friend (P3). We have no record of this pair breeding last Spring, although they were certainly around.