
how to recognize bronze-cuckoo species? (Campbell Park)

To: canberra birds <>
Subject: how to recognize bronze-cuckoo species? (Campbell Park)
From: Susanne Gardiner <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 00:41:49 +0000 (GMT)
Hi all

Sorry, another very lay-question.

I can faintly remember that recognising bronze cuckoo species is rather difficult, but was wandering if there are any tips what to look out for.

I saw one at Campbell Park on Sunday afternoon, but have no idea whether Shining or Horsefield's. It was more bronze than green, though I guess light plays a role, too.
I saw more of it from the back than the bars on the front.

(Sharing binoculars with your child does not help either, as viewing times are cut rather short.) 

Are Dollarbird sightings noteworthy?
There was one on a lookout in a dead tree near the horse gate. 
(The first one I have seen in years and only the 3rd I have ever seen in the ACT, which doesn't mean they weren't there.)

There were quite a few dusky woodswallows about - feeding some young.

Also saw a flycatcher, though not sure if Leaden or Satin and my photo of it is quite fuzzy,and a Pied butcherbird.

Cheers, Susanne

PS. Thanks for all the info on naming Koels. 

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