Good birding at Campbell Park this morning.
Some observations worth mentioning: many Dusky WS near the horse gate and at least four pairs of Leaden Flycatchers, engaging at one point in extended and intensive agonistic behaviour (also not far from the horse gate, to the east), adult and immature BFCSs and a family group of Mistletoebirds. The only birds I saw in the fruiting mistletoe were Red Wattlebirds, White-throated Gerygones and Mistletoebirds – no Painted Honeyeater.
I also saw two Bronze-cuckoos that I had trouble identifying. They were flying together but were evidently immature. The main characteristics were: dull green wings, pale bars on the flanks only, little or no patterning on the face (just an off-white) and a light brown crown.
The Simpson & Day which I was carrying did not have good pictures of immatures. When I got home, I consulted my library. None of the books, including HANZAB had a picture that fitted the bill. All the immatures depicted had more patterning on the face than the birds I saw. Only Pizzey and Knight had a picture (p297) that fitted fairly closely to what I saw. Frank Knight’s picture of an immature Shining BC is unlike any of the other books, but that is what I saw except that the light barring he shows in the face was not evident to me.
So I am thinking they were Shining BCs.
David Rosalky